Month: May 2017

Universal Charitable Deduction Could Reduce Taxes, Boost Giving

Itemizing your charitable giving on your tax return has always been a great incentive to give — along with the warm feeling of supporting good causes. However, tax reform proposals by Republican lawmakers and the Trump administration that would increase the standard deduction for individuals and families may take away that incentive. After all, it’s

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What Really Motivates Not-For-Profit Donors

What do charitable donors want? The classic answer is: Go ask each one individually. However, research provides some insight into donor motivation that can help your not-for-profit grow its financial support. Taxing matters The biennial U.S. Trust® Study of High Net Worth Philanthropy, conducted in partnership with the Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy,

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Does your Not-For-Profit’s Board Understand its Fiduciary Duties?

Interest in not-for-profits’ governance practices from lawmakers, watchdog groups and the general public has been growing in recent years. If your board hasn’t reviewed its roles and responsibilities recently, now is a good time.   3 primary responsibilities Not-for-profit board members — whether compensated or not — have a fiduciary duty to the organization. Some

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