Month: May 2022

3 Tips to Help Your Board Members Succeed

Board members have a fiduciary duty as stewards of public trust to act in the best interests of the organization that they serve. They lay aside personal interests to focus on ethical oversight of the organization’s mission accomplishments, results of operations and financial position. Nonprofit board members may monitor support and other funding to ensure

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Woman using laptop computer

Due for an Audit? Identify Issues Sooner Not Later

Surplus cash calculation and distribution is one of the most interesting parts of the financial statements of affordable housing entities. It determines the amount of residual cash available to make fees, distributions, ground leasing and deferred loan payments. Surplus cash distribution and the calculation itself are important to review during an audit because: Lenders, lessors,

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A pen checking off checkboxes on a form

Update Your CTCAC Compliance Forms

The California Tax Credit Allocation Committee (CTCAC) has published updated versions of almost all forms for low-income housing tax credit (LIHTC) compliance. Owners and management agents have through December 31, 2022 to implement use of the new forms. The CTCAC will not accept use of modified or previously approved forms — or modifications or changes

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Employees in a circle with hands in the middle

6 Ways Giving Back to the Community Can Enhance Your Life

There are many benefits to joining an association. When you work for LvHJ, you are also encouraged to become a member of any number of nonprofit associations to help grow your career which allows you to give back to the community at the same time. Since we are Professionals for Good, we are always looking

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