Author: admin

Close up of ropes on a yacht.

Want to Develop Your Skills? Find a Mentor!

“Learning the ropes” is an expression that goes back to the days of apprenticeship on a seafaring craft. While mastering the sails was probably not in your advanced accounting classes at college, neither were the countless practical nuances required to become a true professional in a CPA firm. However, whether you are just beginning your

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Paycheck Protection Program Flexibility Act of 2020

The Paycheck Protection Program Flexibility Act (PPPFA) was signed into law on June 5, 2020, to modify certain provisions related to the forgiveness of loans under the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP). One change allows recipients of loan forgiveness under PPP to also defer a portion of 2020 payroll taxes, but there are several other modifications. 

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Make The Most of Your Fundraising with Simple Metrics

The amount of money your not-for-profit raises in fundraising campaigns is meaningful, but so is how efficiently you’re able to raise it. Such costs can be measured using two metrics: Cost ratio and return on investment (ROI). Let’s take a look. Find a formula These two metrics can be used to evaluate both fundraising activities

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Four Things to Increase Employee Loyalty

Attracting quality employees is a tough challenge. And despite assumptions, money is not a motivating factor for employees, especially if other aspects of their job are unsatisfying or even toxic. With sufficient pay and benefits as a baseline, employees actively select workplaces for more personal reasons. They will also stay longer when those personal needs

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Modern Donors are Changing Fundraising

A recent survey of almost 1,500 donors from all generations found that only 9 percent factored direct mail into their decision to support a charity. The Chronicle of Philanthropy reported in April that all of the donors surveyed had made a gift to a charity that they hadn’t previously supported. They were asked about how

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Tax Deferral ‘Opportunity Zones’ Approved for California

As part of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, the Governors of each state spent the first few months of 2018 requesting public comment and nominating certain census tracts as Opportunity Zones. Out of 3,516 census tracts in the state, 879 were designated by the Governor and all were certified by the U.S.

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Important Tax Update for Qualified Transportation Fringe Benefits

by Stanley Woo, CPA Due to the changes in the Federal tax law brought on by the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, the transportation fringe benefits provided by an employer to employees are no longer deductible by the employer. This change in the law will impact employers in the for-profit sector and surprisingly, employers

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Procurement procedures: Is your nonprofit really in compliance?

The relatively new federal procurement standards significantly alter the way not-for-profits receiving federal funding handle purchasing. And while your organization may have changed its written policies to comply with the revised standards, it may be easier to follow the rules on paper than in practice.   Summing up the standards The standards, “Uniform Administrative Requirements,

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Should your not-for-profit have an advisory board?

Chances are, your not-for-profit is governed by a board of directors. However, an informal advisory board can bring complementary — and valuable — skills and resources to this group. Enhance representation Look at the demographics and collective profile of your board members. Does it lack representation from certain groups — particularly relative to the communities

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Repealing the Federal Estate Tax Can Be Bad for Giving

Two bills introduced in Congress in January 2017 called for elimination of the federal estate tax. One was introduced by a Republican Representative from South Dakota and another was introduced by a Republican Representative from Texas. Both bills were introduced to the House Ways and Means Committee, and that is all the action that has

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Clarify Your Not-for-Profit’s ‘Story’ in Financial Statements

Over more than 30 years of work with not-for-profits, the team at Lindquist, von Husen & Joyce LLP has looked for new ways to help organizations share their unique story. Often, we help them tell it through their numbers. Numbers are a language, but sometimes they can become a foreign language in financial statements. When

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Will Reinstated NFIP Mean Higher Costs for Multi-Family Housing?

The National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) is slated to expire at the end of September. Since 2004, it has racked up more than $24 billion in debt — most recently due to 19 major flooding episodes across the country last year. This year’s tragic hurricane season is only more cause for worry among lobbyists and

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Universal Charitable Deduction Could Reduce Taxes, Boost Giving

Itemizing your charitable giving on your tax return has always been a great incentive to give — along with the warm feeling of supporting good causes. However, tax reform proposals by Republican lawmakers and the Trump administration that would increase the standard deduction for individuals and families may take away that incentive. After all, it’s

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What Really Motivates Not-For-Profit Donors

What do charitable donors want? The classic answer is: Go ask each one individually. However, research provides some insight into donor motivation that can help your not-for-profit grow its financial support. Taxing matters The biennial U.S. Trust® Study of High Net Worth Philanthropy, conducted in partnership with the Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy,

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Does your Not-For-Profit’s Board Understand its Fiduciary Duties?

Interest in not-for-profits’ governance practices from lawmakers, watchdog groups and the general public has been growing in recent years. If your board hasn’t reviewed its roles and responsibilities recently, now is a good time.   3 primary responsibilities Not-for-profit board members — whether compensated or not — have a fiduciary duty to the organization. Some

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