Author: Dawn Wagenaar

Home by the ocean

What a difference six months can make

Did you know that you could help your family save money on their federal estate tax bill by asking your executor to choose an alternative valuation date? An alternate valuation date can reduce estate tax liability If you have money invested in the stock market, you’re well aware of potential volatility. Needless to say, this

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Person cleaning a mirror

5 Email Don’ts When Submitting Your Resume

You know it’s important to make a good impression through your resume and in the interview process, right? But did you know that you must also impress employers throughout your email correspondence? To develop your career, you need to master the art of correspondence. Here are email tips about professional etiquette and 5 things you

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Affordable housing unit

Deal Funding: Deferred Developer Fee Is Only One Solution

Congress’ recent spending package offers an increased $4.5 billion to HUD for fiscal year 2023, including a “Yes in My Backyard” (YIMBY) grant program and increased funding for several existing programs. This news may or may not ease concerns among developers about significant project cost increases and funding gaps. A recent article in Affordable Housing

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California homes in storm

IRS Provides Tax Relief for California Storm Victims

On January 10, 2023 (and updated on January 11, 2023) the Internal Revenue Service announced that California storm victims now have until May 15, 2023, to file various federal individual and business tax returns, and make tax payments. On January 13, 2023, California announced conformity to the IRS extended May 15 filing and payment deadlines

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Solar powered apartment building

Business Energy Credit Impacted by Inflation Reduction Act

The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) signed into law by President Biden on August 16, 2022, included an expansion of existing tax credits to promote clean energy generation. One of the credits impacted by the IRA is the business energy credit for solar property under Internal Revenue Code (IRC) Section 48(a)(3)(A)(i). The changes to the IRC

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Man taking selfie at desk with laptop

Social Media Tips to Enhance Your Career

Social media is changing all the time, and using it well is important for your career. Why? Employers and clients will review social media channels to learn about you. This can happen before job interviews or an engagement. Your social profiles should be professional, but also interesting to a potential employer or a new client.

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Charging electric vehicle

Small Business Tax Planning for 2022 and Beyond

We are seeing fewer unfavorable tax law changes for 2022 related to non-corporate small businesses. In fact, there are several favorable opportunities under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 (TCJA), the CARES Act and the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) that you should discuss with your tax advisor. Note: With an additional $80 billion

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Hot air balloon

IRS Announces Inflation Adjustments for 2023 Tax Year

Because inflation is high, many IRS inflation adjustments for 2023 will change more than they have in recent years. In the IRS Revenue Procedure 2022-38, it details these amounts. The following chart shows how these adjustments compare to amounts for 2022. Refer to these changes for your individual tax planning.   In addition, the Social

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Person holding money

2022 Year-End Tax Planning for Individuals

Ever since the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 (TCJA) basically doubled the standard deduction amounts for many individual taxpayers, more households are opting for the standard deduction. For this year, the standard deduction allowances are: $12,950 for single people and married individuals filing separate returns, $19,400 for people who use head-of-household filing status,

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US Capital Building

Tax Planning for The Inflation Reduction Act

The $740 billion Inflation Reduction Act signed into federal law in August 2022 contains many tax breaks while raising revenue through a new minimum tax on large, profitable corporations and an excise tax on stock buybacks. It is intended to reduce the U.S. deficit by about $300 billion. Other revenue would come from stricter enforcement

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Person tossing globe into air with water and rocky cliff behind it.

Benefits of a Great Internship Experience

An internship is like trying before you buy. It is probably why many professions encourage students to take internships before they graduate. The realities of day-to-day work experiences may reinforce your career decision or cause you to change majors. With that in mind, how can you make your internship a great one? Look for these

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Excited woman saying she landed her dream job

How to Land Your Dream Job

We get it. Looking for a job is not easy, especially if you want to find something with a stable outlook. You also want to see yourself working there long-term. Wouldn’t it be great if you could find your dream job and achieve the self-actualization that comes with attaining a fulfilling career? Consider where you

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Abstract swirling paint

Tips to Avoid Misstatements in Affordable Housing Intercompany Transactions

We frequently get questions from affordable housing managers regarding the reconciliation of intercompany accounts and confirmation of balances between business units. Intercompany transactions are not unusual for developers with multiple properties, but they can result in misstatements on the balance sheet without proper internal controls. During the planning phase of an audit, we often identify

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A room being renovated with ladders in background

How Does Resyndication Work For Affordable Housing?

For older multi-family housing properties that need rehabilitation beyond what is possible with replacement reserves, developers will seek outside investors interested in tax credits. Introducing Resyndication New private equity players are assembling funds to support these projects and preserve affordable housing, but the project must be large enough to make it worth their investment. Resyndication

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Group of employees volunteering

5 Ways to Get More Out of Your Career

There are plenty of opportunities for accounting career development here at LvHJ. When you’re in a rut or you feel like you’ve been doing the same thing for far too long, you can always make a change for the better. It all starts from within. Whether you are a seasoned professional or an intern just

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Family smiling sitting in front of laptop

New Broadband Access Grant Program for Affordable Housing

Developers in underserved communities will have access to federal passthrough state grants to lower installation costs of broadband internet in new developments and existing multi-family properties. The grants will help finance delivery of free Wi-Fi access to residents. Part of the $1.2 trillion Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), the Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment Program

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Preparing for Your Single Audit

For many not-for-profits, federal funding is vital for sustaining programming and operations. However, the funding could carry requirements for compliance and financial reporting. For example, if a not-for-profit entity expends $750,000 or more in federal funds in its fiscal year, this will trigger the requirement for a single audit under the Uniform Guidance for testing

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Construction worker framing a house

New How-To Guide for Affordable Housing Finance

Over the coming months, the U.S. Department of the Treasury (Treasury) is conducting webinars and briefings with states, local governments and nonprofit and private sector entities to discuss how State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF) can be used to expand affordable housing supply. They have also published a how-to guide. New guidance clarifies how

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Business woman sitting down at her desk writing

What Do I Need for My Office Space?

Here in California, our style is all about comfort, soft neutrals, natural materials and bringing the outdoors inside. The same is true for cool office spaces. Whether you are a public accountant in California or working remotely in another state, you might be wondering how to change up your office space. Does your work area

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Smiling, young business professional woman sitting in front of her laptop

What to Wear to the Interview (Including Remote Options)

Experienced accounting professionals seeking a career opportunity in the San Francisco Bay area are wondering: in this era of hybrid interviews, what do I wear in-person vs. on camera? Should you dress differently when interviewing remotely?  Here are our tips for dressing professionally and excluding distractions when interviewing in-person and remotely to help land you

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Calculator on top of calendar with the words Tax Plan in the background

Prepare for Your Regional Center’s New Audit Team

Although changing audit firms can seem difficult, California’s regional centers must do it every five years. California’s legislature enacted the Welfare and Institutions Code (“WIC” section 4639), in 2011, which states that regional centers shall not use the same accounting firm more than five times in every 10-year period. After management publishes their request for

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Close up of shift key on keyboard with the words Apply Now on it

Wondering what to include on your resume?

Your resume is your go or no-go qualifier for any job you apply for. Of course, there are others tests to pass once you submit your resume, but the first gate you will need to pass is the resume test. As a prospective candidate, you want to know what you should include on your resume

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3 Tips to Help Your Board Members Succeed

Board members have a fiduciary duty as stewards of public trust to act in the best interests of the organization that they serve. They lay aside personal interests to focus on ethical oversight of the organization’s mission accomplishments, results of operations and financial position. Nonprofit board members may monitor support and other funding to ensure

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Woman using laptop computer

Due for an Audit? Identify Issues Sooner Not Later

Surplus cash calculation and distribution is one of the most interesting parts of the financial statements of affordable housing entities. It determines the amount of residual cash available to make fees, distributions, ground leasing and deferred loan payments. Surplus cash distribution and the calculation itself are important to review during an audit because: Lenders, lessors,

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A pen checking off checkboxes on a form

Update Your CTCAC Compliance Forms

The California Tax Credit Allocation Committee (CTCAC) has published updated versions of almost all forms for low-income housing tax credit (LIHTC) compliance. Owners and management agents have through December 31, 2022 to implement use of the new forms. The CTCAC will not accept use of modified or previously approved forms — or modifications or changes

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Employees in a circle with hands in the middle

6 Ways Giving Back to the Community Can Enhance Your Life

There are many benefits to joining an association. When you work for LvHJ, you are also encouraged to become a member of any number of nonprofit associations to help grow your career which allows you to give back to the community at the same time. Since we are Professionals for Good, we are always looking

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Man doing a public speaking engagement

How Public Speaking Can Advance Your Accounting Career

Accountants have to present information all the time, and they need to do it with confidence to represent the firm well. This is best exemplified through public speaking as a means of delivering information concisely and informatively. This also shows authority in your delivery. You need good speaking skills to: Be credible in front of

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Employees having a group discussion

Take Advantage of Tax Breaks for Small Businesses

Some significant tax breaks may be available to smaller and medium-sized businesses that aren’t available to larger enterprises. Here are three examples you should consider when filing your taxes for 2021 and planning for 2022. 1. QBI Deduction The qualified business income (QBI) deduction was a centerpiece of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA).

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